The Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) organised an inception workshop to mark the beginning of the Phase II of the SDC support to Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in West Africa. The Phase I was implemented in eight African countries; Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda from 2014 to April 2019. The Phase II will be implemented in the first eight countries including Rwanda. The workshop was tagged “West Africa Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative Implementing Partners Inception Workshop on Rolling Out of Phase 2 Project (May 2019- April 2023) funded by the SDC” took place from July 17-18, 2019 at Onomo Hotel, Dakar, Senegal. The event had in attendance stakeholders from the region implementing partners; Mali, Senegal, Benin and Nigeria.

Group photograph of EOA stakeholders at the Phase II Inception Workshop Meeting 17th - 18th July, 2019 @Onomo Hotel, Dakar, Senegal

Group photograph of EOA stakeholders at the Phase II Inception Workshop Meeting 17th – 18th July, 2019 @Onomo Hotel, Dakar, Senegal

The chairman of the inception workshop, Dr David Amudavi, the Executive Director of BvAT after welcoming the participants takes them through the salient points and reeled out the four major objectives of the event; un-package Phase II new strategies, develop common understanding of the project elements, procedures and implementation, discuss the development of partner work plans and familiarise with contractual requirements and obligations including project and financial guidelines.

There were discussions on the state of implementation from the implementing countries and intra-pillars discussions were also conducted. This will help to synergise actions and focus. Best practices, lessons and challenges learnt from the Phase I were reviewed to avoid further mistakes

Major issues such as; weaknesses from partner organisations, prudent project management, creation of impacts, etc. were discussed.

Cross section of participants at the EOA-I Phase II Inception Workshop Meeting @Onomo Hotel, Dakar, Senegal

Cross section of participants at the EOA-I Phase II Inception Workshop Meeting @Onomo Hotel, Dakar, Senegal

One of the new developments in the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative was the introduction of the Grant Management System (GMS) into the New Phase.

Professor Davo Vodouhe Simplice in while appreciating, thanked BvAT for organising such event, the representative of the ministries from various countries, the EOA stakeholders for gracing the workshop. He implored the participants to take good note of the recommendations of the discussions. In addition, Doctor David Amudavi, the convener of the workshop in his closing remarks talked about the new partners that will join the project and also ensured the gathering that the recommendations of the workshop are well-taken and the working documents will soon be shared as soon as they are ready. He thanked the participants for coming. The West Africa Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative implementing partners inception workshop on rolling out of Phase II project (May 2019- April 2023) funded by the SDC came to an end at 15:30 Dakar time on July 18, 2019.